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We are flexible on our rates, especially for longer bookings.
Our passion is to help local musicians make awesome sounding recordings.
All rates include an engineer.


$25 per hour

We take pride in recording music the right way the first time.  With high quality analog gear and top of the line microphones, we work with you to capture your music faithfully and creatively.


$175 per song

At Second Floor, we live in the analog world as much as possible, even during our mixing process.  With our unique hybrid analog/digital setup, you can be sure your mix will share the best of analog grit and digital precision.


$75 per song

The final step in the music-making process.  We're happy to help you take your music to the next level and get it ready for the radio.


$25 per hour

Got some tracks that need editing?  Time-aligning drums and instruments and tuning vocals can be a pain.  We'll gladly help you with this part of your project.

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